Monday, August 16, 2010

Food and Exercise for 8/16/2010

5:15am: 1 liter of H2O mixed with a Zip Fizz (natural caffeine and a bunch of B vitamins). I like to wake up and hydrate.

7am: Home after my client and starving. I avoid heavy carbs in the morning (like cereal and toast) as they make me tired and even more hungry. Instead, I eat 5 egg whites, 1/4 avadado and a big bowl of steamed broccoli. This will keep me energized for my 9:45am workout

8am: Tired...only 6 hours of sleep...short by 1-2 hours. I mix myself another Zip Fizz (not ideal, but I'll sip it over the next 2-3 hours and get another liter of H20).

9:45am: Get to the gym and stretch for 10 minutes. I hold each stretch for at least 1 minute. Then, I get on the stair climber (the big one) and work out for 1 hour and 16 minutes. I work in some wicked intervals (you can e-mail me for details). Then, I do my 200 military-style push-ups (again, ask me if you wish for details).

Noon: Home from the gym and very thirsty. I eat 2 cups of watermelon and drink 1/2 a liter of carbonated H20. I eat a 6 ounce container of Chobani greek yogurt (this stuff is full of protein and is awesome, with only 5 ingredients). I mix in 1/4 cup of plain fat free greek style yogurt to make it more tart. Mostly, I'm just thirsty, but a little protein and carbs will keep the massive hunger at bay when I get hungry later.

2:20: Hungry. I am in the middle of a project and don't want to lose momentum, so I eat a serving of baked potato chips from Trader Joe's (yes, I count them). I also finish off the Diet Coke in my fridge. I don't keep it in the house, because I know it makes me feel off, but if it's there, I drink it. My self control works only in the grocery store!

2:30: Jack is hungry so I make him egg whites and throw some in for me as well. I eat 8 egg whites, and 1/4 avocado.

4pm: Hungry and thirsty, I eat a cup of watermelon, 1 Chobani yogurt and a serving of baked potato chips.

5:30pm: 1/2 cup of blueberries as a pick-me-up before my client.

8:30pm: 6oz chicken breast, a plate full of salad greens dressed with lime juice, sea salt and a sprinkling of turbinado sugar (from Trader Joe's), 2 pieces of crusty bread with butter, 1 nectarine, 1/2 cup of blueberries, 1 corn on the cob.

9:30pm: 1 bowl of Wheaties with 1 TBSP of natural peanut butter and 1 cup of hormone free 1 percent milk.

1 comment:

bontovi said...

that salad was amazing!!!! i'm going to attempt to make it as a side for tonight's dinner.