Thursday, January 24, 2008

Liquid Gold

The human body is over 75% water. When we are dehydrated, our blood doesn't flow properly and our digestive track doesn't run smoothly. Exactly how much you should drink depends on your body weight and activity level. However, if you are thirsty and/or if your pee is yellow, you are dehydrated. (Taking vitamins can make your pee yellow too, so don't worry if you know you are drinking enough).

Your body can't always tell the difference between hunger and thirst. You may reach for a brownie, when what you really need is a big glass of water. So, if you feel hungry, drink something and wait 10 minutes. Still hungry? Go ahead and eat, but why not have a glass of water with your meal too!

Not a huge fan of plain water? Try drinking it with fresh lemon or lime squeezed into it. For a fresh treat, put a slice or two of cucumber into your water. If you love soda, ditch the caffeine and try Crystal Light mixed with club soda.

Well, quit reading and start drinking. Just make sure you know where the nearest bathroom is!

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