Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm back!

I'm back!!!

The heavy cold-weather foods are creeping into our diet, as the fresh fruits and vegetables of Summer are harder to find. Treats become a staple with one holiday piggy-backing on another for the next few months.

What to do? My advice is to maintain. Don't anticipate major weight/fat loss during the Fall and Winter months. Instead, try to eat all things in moderation. If your pants are fitting tight, eat less and move more. We will all be indulging, but that doesn't mean we need to fall off the bandwagon until next year.

If you have been slacking, this is the time to get back to regular exercise. We all make better food choices when we exercise regularly. The best regimen depends on your schedule and what is realistic for you. If possible, get at least 3 30-60 minute workouts per week.

For recommendations on what to do at home or the gym, please call or e-mail me. I now offer group training session on M/W mornings, Tuesdays at 9:30am, and Tuesdays at 5:30pm.

Have a happy, healthy week!

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