Saturday, August 28, 2010

A different kind of post

No food and exercise journal for today or yesterday. I was involved in putting on a wicked disco party and did not take the time to journal during the day. I will start back tomorrow.

For today, here are the top five ways to lean down and feel better

1. Stay away from high-fructose corn syrup.
It doesn't taste good and it messes with your ability to feel full. Also, there is some evidence that it is addicting. You will have to read labels because it is everywhere...including in Rice Crispies! The last time I went searching for barbecue sauce I found about 20-30 different brands...only two contained real sugar!!

2. Eat 5-10 servings of non-starchy (corn and potatoes are starchy) vegetables each day.
I know it sounds like a lot, but it will keep you full, provide you with vital nutrients for your body, and you will lean down without being hungry. Aim for about 1-3 servings at each meal. You can round out the meal with a serving of meat the size of a deck of cards and a small serving of starch (potatoes, bread, etc).

3. Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
You can google sleep diet for more information. A lack of sleep will make you more hungry...and you will crave carbs and sweets which are a quick source of energy for a sleep-deprived body.

4. Exercise for 30-60 minutes 5-6 days of the week.
Not only is exercise a great stress-reliever, it is also good for your skin. New studies have found people who exercise regularly have fewer wrinkles and healthier skin.

5. Don't sweat the small stuff!
Cortisol is realeased in our bodies when we are stressed out. Too much will lead to fat deposits in the belly...even in otherwise thin people.

1 comment:

bontovi said...

cortisol...hmmm... that explains my fat deposits;). i need a fat-free stress reliever!